So I have been working on Lots of things, I have a few that will not be shown (since they are not finished yet :P) but Here are some items that are pretty much complete! :)
First off.... I Had some Knee Highs... (BTW, I LOVE Knee Highs!) that were a Bit to bright and Crazy, (Even though I LOVE Crazy colors!) They just would not go with any of My outfits (Stinky I know!) So I decided, To make Fingerless gloves! so I just cut off the feet, and walla! Cannot wait to wear them! (Not like I am rushing winter or anything.....)
( I still have to cut thumb holes.... but you get the idea) |
Pretty Cool Huh? I Love the colors, but, I figure, If I wear a Black coat this winter, or something it will be OK, instead of trying to match them to an outfit! :)
So I found an old box of coffee filters, so I decided to make some flowers! (I made these several months ago, so they have gotten kind of smashed and disheveled....)
They are not the best looking as I said before, they were made a few months ago, But I wanted to show them to you all! :)
Here is a Hat that I recently made!
I LOVE this Yarn! it is one of My Favs! It is Red Heart Super soft! |
Threw in a red bow to see what it would look like! |
Something special I did with this hat is worked in a round! |
Close up so show what I mean....... |
See how there is no seam? if you start from the middle, it just goes round and round! |
I find that working in a round looks much better, there is no Ugly seam! which is a HUGE Plus!
Some Bows I have been working on......
So here is a Picture of all of them! (Please don't mind the Tails.... I Cannot cut them off unless I know that I will not need them for attaching onto something! (Just me :D) |
OK, so I LOVE this one! It is so Crazy-Colored! it is My Little Sister's Favorite too! |
I thought this one would be Great for someone dressed like a clown, or someone who like crazy colors....(Like me) |
This one is neat, it has all the cool colors! |
Made this one with my Red Heart Super soft! (Also pictured on the red hat above) |
and a Baby Blue one! |
And a Coffee Coaster Cozy that I made! going to be making a Ton of these! they are so Easy, and Really awesome!
This is Like My Favorite Brown Toggle Button! LOVE! |
Had My little sister "Model" it for me :P (Love the OSHKOSH tag on her jumper :D had to add that) |
And this one I made, is a travel Mug Cozy, It is a Bow! I Saw it and LOVED it so I made one, and gave it to my friend! here are a few pictures that I took of it before I gave it away! :)
OK, so this is Like the BEST Garage sale Find that I have ever Found! :P I Got this Box of Ribbon (My Mom actually Paid for it :P) For 2 Dollars and 50 Cents!
All of it! for just $2.50 I was Thrilled! Cannot wait to make thinks using this ribbon! Tell me what your Best Garage Sale find was in the comments below! I would love to hear of them!
Well that's all for now!
Have a Great Evening everyone!
**NOTE** For some reason, the red yarn that I used in a lot of these projects, does not get it's picture taken well.... plus I accidentally had left My Camera on a different lighting setting from last time I used it, so the pictures are not all that great :D