I was born 16 years ago today, November 24th 1997. I am 16 years old!
Though when you have a birthday you normally don't feel a real change, when you turn 16 it's kind of a big deal!
Turning from 15 to 16 is like turning from a young lady to a young woman!
And I Thank the Lord for the 16 wonderful years he has blessed me with here on this earth!
So my Mom and Dad threw a sweet sixteen party for me last Friday!
It was decorated totally my style!
Crazy colors! Owls! Everything! I loved it! (Thanks Mom! It was awesome!)
We had a lot of people who came, and it made me feel so special!
I am truly blessed to have such an Amazing family and church family, who care about me, and love me, and I thank the Lord for them!
They willingly offered to bring a dish, and we had a wonderful meal and great company!
When a Birthday comes, though it's not everything, getting gifts is always fun, and I think I got too many! ;P I feel spoiled now!
Here are some that I can think of off the top of my head.....
A Family from our Church bought me this bag from the company thirty-one, and it has the cutest owls on it! and guess what!?! They FILLED it with yarn! I love the colors they picked out too! so excited to make stuff with it all, I don't know where to begin!
My Nana bought me perfume, and nail polish, and this cute little scare crow owl!
So I am really into mustaches, and last year for my birthday my family bought me these....
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They are called Sun-Staches! :) |
LOVE them! :D
And this year, our Pastor's family bought me this pen! when you push the Mustache down it says in a deep voice... "Well hello there"
and this bank that says stash! Love the plaid!
My Aunt gave me a Bowling ball! My very own! And Bowling shoes! aren't they cute!?! I love them! I cannot wait to go bowling!
Another Aunt, bought me TONS of chocolate, and guess what!?! it's all Dark chocolate! my absolute favorite! And I didn't even tell her! My sister said I can keep my chocolate under my Pillow now....hmmm. :D
I have been wanting a pair of converse for awhile now. I had a pair of Rocket dogs, that look similar, but I really wanted to get a pair of converse, so my aunt Bought me a pair of black ones! They are a little Big, so I am going to exchange them for a different size, but I love them! :)
So my friend from Church is an Amazing cake decorator and cookie decorator! and she made me this Beautiful cake! I loved it! The colors are so bright, and she had edible glitter ALL OVER IT! (and I LOVE Glitter!) it was so pretty!
Check out her
Etsy shop, and see what other great things she can make!
Now my sister went all out.... I had no clue she was planning this! It was so sweet!
She bought me a Dark chocolate Bar (It was delicious!)
two stuffed animal owls, one a key chain and one not, the brand is called beanie ballz and they are So CUTE! :)
then she was shopping on Etsy and she bought me these necklaces, one of them I have been wanting, and the other was one that she liked! Are they not Beautiful? I love them!
I was so excited when I opened it! She is so sweet sometimes! :)
and she bought me this ring! with a cute little owl on it!
This Morning, being Sunday we get up early for church, and one thing that we always do for our birthday is we get a special breakfast.
Well my dad wanted to surprise me, so he got up early and went to McDonalds and bought me breakfast!
An egg white delight McMuffin, Hash browns and a White chocolate mocha coffee!
and he brought it to me to have Breakfast in bed!
Thanks Dad!
then from My Mom and Dad, I got, This Awesome house key with a treble clef on it! I LOVE it!
They also Bought me a Mustache flash drive and it's hot pink! I will post pictures of it later! :)
I had a very good Birthday! And I cannot wait for thanksgiving! :)
Well I have to go now!
Also, I am working on a gift for my cousin who's birthday is the day after mine! :) (Will post pictures soon!)